Our wheels are fully assembled and tensioned by hand to ensure long life. They’re built with components that take your weight, bike, tire size and riding style into account, so they’ll perform well on any road you ride. Choosing our wheels is a sustainable choice, as their quality components can be easily maintained, repaired and transferred to new wheels.
STATION 210 – Atelier de roues creates custom wheels for your road, touring, gravel, bikepacking, cyclocross, MTB, Fatbike and Ebike bike. We assemble them all by hand, using quality components chosen according to your budget. Whether it’s for a weekend outing on less-traveled roads, a race or a round-the-world trip, it all starts with a discussion to understand your needs.
We offer components that can be combined to create one-of-a-kind wheelsets, something most manufactured wheelsets don’t allow. The components we offer are made in the USA, France, Germany, Italy, Belgium and Taiwan, and all these producers have an eye for detail and craftsmanship. It’s the sum of their work, and ours, that goes into your wheels here in the Lower Laurentians.